
A compact and low growing shrub with creamy white flowers follwed by red berries in the Fall.
A vigorous spreading Honeysuckle shrub with creamy white flowers turning yellow. Fruit is blood red.
This hardy, easy to grow shrub's mid green leaves are frosted with white. The foliage, together with a long bloom season of yellow flowers followed by dark purple berries, makes...
A more compact form of the Peegee type. Blooms mid to late Summer. Flowers fade to pink at the end of the season.
Produces large flowers in July. Compact growing.
This compact shrub has lush green foliage, with crimson red, flat mophead blooms from June-September.  Very suitable for Kawartha Lakes Region, Muskoka and Haliburton.
Dense and upright. A dwarf, vine-like shrub with dazzling white flowers in large trusses appearing in late May.
Fast growing shrub producing shiny green leaves and fragrant yellow flowers.
Spring flowering, upright, with pink flowers.
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