

Rockwood Forest Nurseries has over 100+ products.  We have largest selections of trees (including fruit trees), shrubs, perennials, evergreens, mulches,, soils and aggregates. 

Please note all products are subject to AVAILABILITY

Some examples of the products we have:


Maple, Buckeye, Serviceberry, Birch, Hornbeam, Hackberry, Dogwood, Beech, Locust,Kentucky Coffee, Tulip, Crabapple, Mulberry, Poplar, Cherry, Pear, Oak, Willow, Mountain Ash, Lilac, Linden,  Elm

Evergreen (including trees)

Fir, Cypress, Junipers, Tamarach, Spruce, Blue Spruce Siberian Cypress, Yew, Whitepine, Cedar hedges, Hemlock, Conifers

Flowering Shrubs

Maple, Buckeye,Alder,Serviceberry,Chokeberry,Barberry, Peashrub, Buttonbush, Quince, Summersweet,  Dockwood, Corkscrew, Smoke Tree, Cotoneaster, Deutzia, Burning Bush, Forsythia, Witch Hazel, Hibiscus, Hydrangea,  Saint John’s Wort, Sweetspire, Winterberry, Japanese Kerria, Beauty Bush, Privet, Honeysuckle, Magnolia, Mockorange, Ninebark, Pontentilla, Sumac, Rose, Flowering Raspberry, Willow, Elder, Spirea, Snowberry, Lilacs, Viburnum, Weigela, Vines, Azalea, Boxwood, Euonymus, Rhododendron, Yucca, Mahonia

Bareroot - Seedling and Oversized (to be provided in 2020)

A number of bareroot products are available simply contact Rockwood Forest Nurseries for list of products available. 

Vegetable Plants (to be provided in late 2020 and 2021)

Rockwood Forest Nurseries is expanding our offering to Organic Vegetables  starting with Organic Soils and Seeds. We are in the process of reviewing how to get certified with the Organic Council of Ontario.  However, we would like ideas from our customers on which products (eg tomatoes, spinach, kale, herbs such as basil) they would be interested in buying from us.  Once Rockwood Forest Nurseries is certified products will be available at Rockwood Forest Nursery Garden Centers. 

Mulch, Soil, Grass Seed,  Aggregates and Container Pots

Rockwood Forest Nurseries is able to supply a variety of mulches, soils, grass seed and aggregates either by the cubic yard (wholesale) or by bag (retail or landscapers).  

All of our bags are bio-degradeable which is aligned with our Environmental Stewardship Objective.

In addition, Rockwood Forest sells container pots for the DO IT YOURSELF Gardens.

Gardening Tools

Rockwood Forest Nurseries is able to supply different garden tools based on our experience.  Some of the products we can supply include high end rakes, shovels, spades, pruners, diggers, loppers, long-reach telescopic pruners.

Gift Certificates

You can purchase gift certificates for a co-workers, family members or even yourself!  They are great gifts throughout the year and you can select the amazing for the gift certificate of your choice.

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