
A hardy deciduous azalea, covered in deep orange flowers in spring before the leaves, tall upright habit and good fall color
A hardy variety with bright fuchsia blooms that cover a dense mounded shrub in mid spring;
Flower pale pink fading lighter towards center and with light yellow throat, openly funnel-shaped, wavy lobes, 3" across.
A compact shrub with glossy dark green leaves, showy pinkish-white flowers, glossy black berries
Is a half-hardy, upright, bushy, clump-forming, woody-based perennial with pinnate, dark green leaves
Viburnum trilobum 'Bailey Compact'. This low-key shrub is perfect for the back of a border
Long and narrow panicles of white flowers in early summer, excellent fall color
This deciduous shrub is a male pollinator for 'Winter Red', 'Winter Gold', 'Capapon', Shaver', 'Sparkleberry' and other late female clones
The Tiny Tuff Stuff™ Hydrangea by Proven Winners ColorChoice® is the smallest, most compact hydrangea 
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