
Upright form when young, irregular rounded crown as it matures. Whitest bark of all birch trees, dark green leaves.
Upright form when young, irregular rounded crown as it matures. Whitest bark of all birch trees, dark green leaves in clump form
Buxus microphylla, the Japanese box or littleleaf box, is a species of flowering plant, Growing 1 meter tall and 1 meter wide
This small shrub has pink stems and buds that open to dappled green, pink, and white foliage. Some of the leaves will be all white.
Standard Tree has pink stems and buds that open to dappled green, pink, and white foliage. Some of the leaves will be all white.
Dense bushy growth and glossy green foliage. Brightly coloured clusters of orange-red, fragrant fruit. Grows well in all types of soil.
A spreader with a ground hugging habit, and pale green foliage.
Once established this is a fast growing tree that is excellent for moist areas. Foliage turns from bluish green to brilliant yellow in the Fall. No serious insect or disease...
Athyrium niponicum, the Japanese painted fern, is a species of fern native to eastern Asia
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